The "Awakening Process Effects" Survey Question Title Hello, "Thank you" in advance for your participation in this confidential "Awakening Process Effects" survey! It should take about 15 minutes to complete. At the very end of the survey, please click the "DONE" button so your answers will be saved!The list of possible "Awakening Process Effects" included in this survey is offered as a starting place for exploration. It is anticipated that the final “Awakening Process” report and Check List can serve as a resource for both individual use as well as for practitioners working with clients. Please Note: Some of the potential "AP Effects" you'll discover in the survey could be the result of a known physical condition or recent life events that are presumably unrelated to the “AP Process”. Keep this in mind and answer the questions as best you can in relationship to your "Awakening Process". YOUR AWAKENING PROCESS IS UNIQUE!Every individual’s “Awakening Process” will be a continuum of states and phases that unfold throughout a lifetime, unique and specific to each person. The “Awakening Process Effects Survey” you’re about to begin includes a list of possible more common effects of the “Awakening Process”. Since this list is not comprehensive, you may not find your experience represented fully. There will be a place in this survey for you to contribute any additional “Awakening Process” effects you may have experienced. It is my hope that responding to this survey will provide an opportunity to reflect upon and acknowledge your experience with your "Awakening Process"!Love and Gratitude, Georgette Star MA, D.Min OK Question Title * 1. About You! First and Last Name BEST Email Address OK INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to the following questions with your best answer OK Question Title * 2. Do you consider yourself to be in an "Awakening Process"? Yes No Not sure If yes, for approximately how long? Or, not presently, but have been in the past. OK Question Title * 3. What does "Awakening" mean to you? What are you awakening "From" and "Into"? OK Question Title * 4. Did "Awakening" happen.... Suddenly Gradually Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. How would you describe the main "Awakening Process" effects are you experiencing now or have experienced? OK Question Title * 6. What kind of specific resources for support, inspiration, guidance, and assistance have you found to be the most helpful in your "Awakening Process" so far? OK INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to each of these survey items whether the experience is current or only in the past with the following scale, "Never, Occasionally, Frequently, Constantly or No Change". Begin the following questions with: I EXPERIENCE…….. OK Question Title * 7. Feeling centered in the Heart, radiating love, devotion, compassion, and gratitude never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 8. Feeling ungrounded, confused, or disoriented. never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 9. The ability to shift from fear and resistance into acceptance of "what is" never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 10. Stress symptoms such as heart palpitations, adrenaline rush, anxiety, etc. never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 11. Living moment to moment without an agenda, goals, or sense of past or future never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 12. Sleep disruption such as trouble falling and staying asleep, distressing dreams, awakening with anxiety, etc never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 13. Heightened sensitivity to the environment such as smell, touch, taste, noise, temperature never occasionally constantly frequently OK Question Title * 14. The need for more quiet time alone never occasionally constantly frequently OK Question Title * 15. Increasing intuitive perception and inner guidance never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 16. Previous (or currently) held belief system such as self-image, life purpose, religion, and “God” etc are in question or have changed never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 17. Previously accepted “spiritual”, “scientific”, or “cultural” resources such as spiritual teachers, thought leaders, literature, media, summits, etc., have been losing their importance or relevance never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 18. Shifting back and forth between "conditioned-separate-self" and unified Higher Self never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 19. Floating sensation of being lost or adrift, of not having an anchor in life never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 20. Challenging emotions such as anguish, sorrow, fear, anger, etc., arise for no apparent reason or are out of proportion to the catalyst never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 21. Less of a need for “others” or validation from outside in order for me to feel whole, complete, or loved never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 22. Sense of nostalgia for a familiar past way of life, self-image, relatedness. never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 23. Feeling that my life is over even though it obviously is not never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 24. Awareness and Contemplation of the impermanence of life never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 25. Detachment from people, places, and things I once considered important never occasionally frequently Constantly OK Question Title * 26. Ability to let go of relationships, activities, and possessions when the time seems right never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 27. Fear of “losing my mind” never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 28. Teachers, teachings, and other resources to support each next step of the AP arise as needed in just the right time and way never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 29. A sense of agency and control in the creation of my life Constantly Most of the time Less and Less No sense of being in charge, Life seems to just be happening OK Question Title * 30. Even while relating with others, there are feelings of separation, loneliness or isolation never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 31. Increased awareness of limited or destructive beliefs and underlying behaviors yet still acting them out never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 32. Decrease in sense of purpose, ambition, direction or passion to accomplish something never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 33. A sense of neutrality or detachment to outcome never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 34. Desire for greater freedom from material possessions never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 35. General sense that these experiences are supported and validated by signs and synchronicities never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 36. Increased daily creative in-the-moment “flow-state” never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 37. Desire for, and engagement in, distraction activities never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 38. Difficulty finding teachers and guidance for what I am experiencing never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 39. Ability to witness and feel challenging emotions without identifying with them and the ability take responsibility for my reactions never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 40. Compulsion to control my environment never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 41. Everyday life has a dream-like quality never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 42. Only present time exists... living in the moment never occasionally constantly frequently no change OK Question Title * 43. Unshakable trust in a Guiding Presence & Intelligence unfolding and permeating everyone and everything never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 44. Perceiving ordinary everyday life as extraordinary and mysterious never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 45. Perceiving LIFE as “the Teacher” and life experience as a mirror to reveal, discover and enjoy Higher Self never occasionally constantly frequently no change OK Question Title * 46. Everyone and everything is perceived as one unified field of Consciousness. There is a palpable sense of moving in a sea of interconnectivity never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 47. Realizations from life experience come easily and opportunities to make new choices show up never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 48. Increasing capacity to embrace life's impermanence, death, the unknown never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 49. Absorption in qualities such as unconditional love, peace, equanimity, infinity, pure being never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 50. Easy access and ability to fully feel all emotions as they arise never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 51. Increased ability to embrace paradox and ambiguity never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 52. Increased ability to remain present and responsive when challenging or traumatic events occur never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 53. Sense of my body-mind functioning as an opening for Consciousness to come through never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 54. Ability to drop into silence or stillness in meditation, contemplation, and even in the midst of activity never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 55. Reduction of mental chatter, such as the ability to use and focus the mind as needed without mental distractions never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 56. Changes in perceptions and beliefs manifest as increased peace of mind and happiness in daily living never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 57. Comfort living life without the need for explanations or understandings never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 58. Uncomfortable energy movement and sensations in my body never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 59. Recognizing the importance of having support, guidance, assistance for the "Awakening Process" never occasionally frequently constantly OK Question Title * 60. If you indicated in the question above that that support, guidance, assistance and resources are important, could you describe why? OK Question Title * 61. Are there any other AP experiences you are having or have had that you feel are important and are not addressed in the survey? OK Question Title * 62. Is there anything else you'd like to express? OK Question Title * 63. Do you have any suggestions for teachers, spiritual leaders or healers that you would like to see interviewed, or offer teachings about the Awakening Process, in an online Summit? OK Question Title * 64. If you are not already on my email list, would you like to stay in touch with me and the Life Blessing Institute by being added to Georgette Star's mailing list? Yes No If “yes”: you will be added to my mailing list. If "no" you can still get the Participation Gift. OK Question Title * 65. Please confirm your best email address if you would like to receive the "Awakening Process Survey Participation Gift". OK Please submit your survey responses by June 21st 2019 to be eligible to receive our "Participation Gift". Stay tuned! IMPORTANT NOTE: To send your survey please scroll down and click the "DONE" button!!!!!! OK DONE