Feedback on your first impressions
This survey is intended for those who have had time to use the Qt for MCUs evaluation package. If you have not yet had the time to do this, please return to this survey at a later date.

Question Title

* 1. What has been your initial reaction to Qt for MCUs?

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* 2. How easy was it to install Qt for MCUs?

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* 3. How likely is it that you would recommend Qt for MCUs to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 4. Are you going to develop a GUI using Qt for MCUs ?
If not, then what was your motivation to evaluate Qt for MCUs?

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* 5. Are you currently using a graphics toolkit for developing GUIs on MCUs?

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* 6. If yes, compared to that graphics toolkit, how would you rate Qt for MCUs?

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* 7. If no, are you planning on developing graphics on MCUs?

Question Title

* 8. Which MCU libraries, tools and graphics toolkit are you currently using?