Thank you for your interest in being a Liaison for our  Maccabi Sports Program.
Only those considered for an interview will be contacted.
Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact details

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* 2. Allow Maccabi Canada to contact you by email:

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* 3. Please select the days you are available. Weekday Programs start at 630PM, staff arrive at 615. (Click all that apply).

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* 4. Please select the locations you will be willing to work. Note: All applicants must provide their own transportation to and from the gym facility.

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* 5. Age group preference. (Please RANK the age groups in terms of your preference for working with them. 1 = your favourite/most preferred)

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* 6. Select your sport preference. (Please RANK your preference for working with them. 1 = your favourite/most preferred)

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* 7. If you have any time/day restrictions please advise:

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* 8. Tell us about yourself.

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* 9. Describe your experience working with children and/or teens and in what type of environment. (if not applicable please write N/A).

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* 10. Have you had exposure communicating to parents and in what capacity. (if not applicable please write N/A).

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* 11. Wherever used in this application: "abuse" shall mean any act or threat involving molestation, harassment, corporal punishment or any other form of punishment or any other form of physical, sexual or mental abuse.

Please indicate where there have been any claims or lawsuits arising from abuse made against you. If so, please provide details. Or note NA.

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* 12. Please indicate whether there have been any incidents or allegations of abuse made against you. If yes, please provide details. Or note NA

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* 13. Please indicate if you are aware of any facts, incidents, circumstances or allegations, that may give rise to allegations. claims or lawsuits against you. If yes, please provide details. Or note NA.

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* 14. Describe your sports background and/or experience. (if not applicable please write N/A).

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* 15. Describe your Maccabi background. (if not applicable please write N/A)

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* 16. Please provide 2 references with their full name, email and telephone number

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* 17. Why are you a good applicant for this position.

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* 18. Please submit your resume:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File
RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT - Will be provided to you under separate link. 

Question Title

* 19.  For Participants of Minority Age
(Under 18 years of age at time of registration)

This is to certify that I as a parent/guardian with legal responsibilities for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above, and for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify the Release from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child's involvement or participation in these programs or activities.

Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Sports liaison for Maccabi Canada's Developmental Sports Program. A Maccabi representative will be in contact with you shortly.