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100% of survey complete.
Average Completion Time Is 7 Minutes

If you have reviewed THE FUTURE OF TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION page referenced in the email that accompanied this link, please proceed to the survey. Otherwise please click here, review the contents, and return to this survey. Thank you.
The survey findings from hundreds of other survey participants will be merged into a report and used to influence Timucua Arts Foundation leadership's decision making relative to how to advance during the transition. We invite your most candid appraisal and therefore your response will be confidential and known only by the consulting firm listed below. 
Survey Consultants: Avatar Company, Inc. avatarway@icloud.com - Voice/Text: 407.620.9473 

Question Title

* 1. From what you know and/or experienced, what is your overall impression of TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION and its programming?

Question Title

* 2. How important of a role does the TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION have in the region's arts/cultural quality of life?

Question Title

* 3. After reviewing THE FUTURE OF TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION document that was attached to the email which of the follow is most compelling? Select two...

Question Title

* 4. Aside from the above outlined strategic initiatives, what is the single most important change TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION  can make to improve its service to the community?

Question Title

* 5. Would you consider actively endorsing TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION'S strategic initiative to your friends and/or colleagues?

Question Title

* 6. Would you be more inclined to make a financial commitment if you knew your gift would be matched?

Question Title

* 7. Hypothetically, if you were invited to financially support the strategic initiatives where would it rank in your philanthropy?

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* 8. If your answer to question 7 was low please explain.

Question Title

* 9. This is not a solicitation, nor a commitment. Your response is confidential. Hypothetically, what might be the range of your tax-deductible gift. if you could fulfill your commitment over 3 years or less.

Question Title

* 10.
OPTIONAL: Please consider providing your phone and e-mail.

NOTE: The research firm conducting the survey may wish to contact you about your response. Your individual responses are confidential and will not be shared with TIMUCUA ARTS FOUNDATION  leadership, staff  or the public. By providing the information below you agree to receive periodic information about TIMUCUA and may elect to unsubscribe at anytime.