Thank you for your interest in From the Ground Up. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your thoughts about this new quarterly digital publication. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.

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1. How would you rate the overall quality of From the Ground Up?

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2. Which best describes your thoughts about the amount of content in From the Ground Up? For reference, here's a link to issue #1 table of contents.

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3. How would you describe your experience with the From the Ground Up website?

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4. Which sections did you enjoy the most, and which ones would you like to see more of in the future? (Check all that apply)

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5. In addition to integrated approaches to the conservation of wildlands, woodlands, and farmlands, which topics would you like to see in future issues? (Check all that apply)

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6. From the Ground Up aims to cultivate inclusive conversations about conservation, climate, and communities. We want to create space for many voices and perspectives, especially those that have been historically been ignored, marginalized, or disenfranchised. Please share the names of individuals or organizations that you think we should reach out to for future issues.

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7. Which types of content/formats would you like to see in the future? (Check all that apply)

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8. If you'd like to share your contact information, please do. We may follow up with you to learn more about your responses. (optional)

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9. If you have a social media account and you'd like us to follow you, please add your handle below: