RSB-RTA Professional Development Trust Fund

This survey has been designed to assist the Committee to allocate funds in a fair and equitable manner and to assist you with your application. Please attach any further information that you feel will assist the Committee with its deliberations.

If a number of teachers apply for the same conference, the Committee may limit the number of applicants who receive funding. If the Committee is aware of a similar conference to be held locally, this information will be forwarded to you.

Provincial Conferences have now been added. Accommodation and travel will be considered. It is expected that school-based Pro-D Funds are used prior, or in conjunction with, your application.

Question Title

* Full Name:

Question Title

* School:

Question Title

* Assignment:

Question Title

* Conference Title:

Question Title

* Full Description of Conference (please include evidence that it fits the criteria listed in the guidelines. eg. description of the conference from the website):

Question Title

* Please upload supporting documents.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Date(s) of Conference:

Question Title

* Location of Conference:

Question Title

* Please list the conference(s) you have attended in the past and the major sponsoring group (RTA/RSB Major Conference Fund, BCTF, EFI, RSD, self, etc.)

Question Title

* Please indicate how you plan to share the information you collect from this conference with your colleagues (please be as specific as possible.)

***Please Note: you will be asked to share/present this information at the next District Conference and possibly at a Pro-D day at your school or in the District.***