1. Welcome to MCC's Discipleship Survey

Thank you for participating in MCC's discipleship survey. We hope everyone at MCC will participate each year so we can see how we are growing as followers of Jesus and determine ways to better fulfill God's vision for us, both individually and as a community.

Most people can complete the survey in about 20 minutes. Because of the survey technology, please plan to complete the survey in one sitting.  Answer questions #1-34 and click "Done" after question #35 to complete the survey.

You may take the survey anonymously or you may choose to provide your name at the end. If you want to be contacted by one of MCC's shepherds or if you have questions or comments about the survey, you will definitely need to provide your name.

Yours truly,
MCC's Elders

Question Title

* 1. My relationship with Mariemont Community Church (MCC) is

Question Title

* 2. I have attended Mariemont Community Church

Question Title

* 3. I connected to MCC for the first time (check all that apply)

8% of survey complete.