Thank you for attending the RLI Kickstart Your Career workshop. The goal of this workshop is to prepare you for finding your first job out of residency and transition into your first year with confidence. We ask you to share your feedback on how well prepared you feel both before and after attending the Kickstart workshop.

Thank you for your time!

Question Title

* 1. What year are you in your residency program?

Question Title

* 2. Prior to attending the RLI Kickstart Your Career workshop, have you received any form of training in the areas of conducting a job search, determining your ideal practice, interviewing, evaluating a job offer, and/or transitioning from residency to first year/early career physician?

Question Title

* 3. How confident were you about these topics BEFORE attending the RLI Kickstart Workshop?

  Confident - I didn't need any guidance here Somewhat confident - I needed a little guidance Not confident - I needed a lot guidance N/A
Choosing between a career in an academic or private practice setting
Searching for a radiology job
Interviewing for a radiology job
Evaluating a job offer
Effective communication
Using social media to promote yourself professionally
Transitioning out of residency and into your first year as an attending
Mentoring and professionalism

Question Title

* 4. How confident are you about these topics AFTER attending the RLI Kickstart Workshop?

  Confident - this workshop was great Somewhat confident - I could still use a little guidance Not confident - I didn't find this workshop helpful on this topic N/A
Choosing between a career in an academic or private practice setting
Searching for a radiology job
Interviewing for a radiology job
Evaluating a job offer
Effective communication
Using social media to promote yourself professionally
Transitioning out of residency and into your first year as an attending
Mentoring and professionalism

Question Title

* 5. I learned valuable information from this topic which I plan to incorporate.

  Strong Agree Strongly Disagree N/A
Completing an Effective Job Search and Finding Your First Job (Dr. Lexa)
Academia vs. Private Practice: Understanding the Similarities and Differences in Employment and How to Make the Best Decision for You (Dr. Boyd)
Academia vs. Private Practice: Understanding the Similarities and Differences in Employment and How to Make the Best Decision for You (Dr. Chu)
Academia vs. Private Practice: Understanding the Similarities and Differences in Employment and How to Make the Best Decision for You (Dr. Idowu)
Academia vs. Private Practice: Understanding the Similarities and Differences in Employment and How to Make the Best Decision for You (Dr. Al-Khalili)
Interviewing for Success: Secrets from the Wharton School (Dr. Lexa)
How to Evaluate a Job Offer (Dr. Muroff)
Lunch Session: Draconian Clauses in My Contract (Dr. Muroff)
Mock Interviews
Remarks from ACR Career Center (ACR Staff)
Fast & Furious Panel: Key Things to Know and Do in Order to Succeed (Dr. Van Geertruyden)
Your First Year: Key Things to Know and Do in Order to Succeed (Dr. Jay)
Your First Year: Key Things to Know and Do in Order to Succeed (Dr. Chung)
Communicating Effectively (Dr. Chung)
Mentoring and Professionalism (Dr. Van Geertruyden)
Open Q&A Forum

Question Title

* 6. Did you find the mock interview exercise helpful? Will you change your interview preparation/response/approach based on the mock interview exercise?

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* 7. What topics of this meeting were MOST valuable to your learning experience?

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* 8. What topics were LEAST valuable to your learning experience?

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* 9. What topics would you like addressed in the future?

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* 10. Did you take time to speak with the exhibitor (ACR Career Center)?

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* 11. Will you recommend this workshop to colleagues?

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* 12. If you have any additional comments or a testimonial you'd like to add, please do so below.

Question Title

* 13. May we quote your testimonial? If yes, please provide your first and last name.

Thank you for attending the RLI Kickstart Your Career Workshop! If you have any additional feedback or would like more information on the American College of Radiology (ACR), the Radiology Leadership Institute (RLI), the Resident and Fellow Section (RFS), and/or the Young and Early Career Section (YPS), please email RLI at