November 2021 DCIP Survey - Social/Emotional Well Being

Our district has been working diligently in some targeted areas. One of those areas is the social emotional well being of our students. Within this, we're specifically targeting improving attendance rates overall (>95% attendance rate), decrease chronic absenteeism (<5%), and reduction of referrals and suspensions. We are also focusing on staff wellness and job satisfaction. You will see additional questions focusing on these areas. NEA-KCK and KCKPS are soliciting site-based feedback around these areas in order to better understand the nature of these matters. Thank you for taking time to help share the valuable site-based perspective.

This data is being collected anonymously and will be shared with building administrators, central office administration, and NEA-KCK leadership. The results from this survey will help drive decisions and create programs to help develop supports for staff. The survey will close at 5pm on December 15, 2021.  

Question Title

* 3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree N/A
I have a positive impact on reducing the amount of student tardiness and absences.
The amount of student tardiness and absences in this school interferes with my teaching.
This school has an effective plan to reduce tardiness and absences school-wide.
The level of misbehavior in this school (such as noise, horseplay or fighting in the halls, or cafeteria) interferes with my teaching.
When problems arise at my school, administrators collaborate with teachers to solve them.
I receive a great deal of support from the parents for the work that I do.
My principal enforces school rules for student conduct.
My principal supports me up when I need it.
The expectations for student behavior are consistently enforced by staff in this school, even for students who are not in their class/area.
The current behavior/attendance referral process at this school is effective.
The current SEL referral process at this school is effective.
The current school-wide behavior plan at this school is effective.
We have a common understanding of the Student Code of Conduct.
I feel comfortable voicing concerns to building administration.
The Code of Student Conduct is a part of our behavior plan.
As staff, we are encouraged to participate in wellness/self-care activities.
The self-care/wellness activities available for staff are relevant and accessible.

Question Title

* 4. Rate my satisfaction on the following:

  Not Applicable  Very Unsatisfied Somewhat Unsatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
Peer relationships
District climate and culture
Building community
I get fulfillment from my work
My voice is valued by building leadership
My voice is valued by district leadership
I feel that my efforts this year are recognized.

Question Title

* 5. Additional feedback around the suspension & referral rate at your school? 
e.g. Were there any changes implemented this year? Were they successful for your class/learning environment? 

Question Title

* 6. Additional feedback around the attendance rate at your school?
e.g. Were there any changes implemented this year? Were they successful for your class/learning environment?

Question Title

* 7. Additional general feedback around how your school addresses the social/emotional well being of your students?

Question Title

* 8. Additional general feedback around how your school addresses the social/emotional well being of your building staff?