What is a Consumer Participation Plan?
Wimmera Health Care Group's (WHCG) Consumer Participation Plan outlines how we will engage with consumers, carers and the community to help shape our health service while keeping the community involved and informed.

We want to involve WHCG's consumers in every part of the organisation, so that consumers are active partners in how we run our business and provide care. We want consumers to be given meaningful opportunities to be actively involved and ensure that their views are listened to and valued in the planning, delivery and evaluation of our health service.
Who are consumers?
Consumers are people in our community who have used our services or may use them in the future. We want the people in our community to have a say. You could be an aged-care resident, client, carer or a person living in the community.

Consumers can also be community members who have volunteered to work with us.
About You:

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* 1. Gender:

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* 2. Age:

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* 3. Are you a patient, resident or client with us at the moment?

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* 4. Have you used our services before?

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* 5. Where do you live?

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* 6. Helping us improve what we do.

Please rate the following ideas according to how important they are to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Sharing your stories with some of the Board members and people in charge of the health service.
Have consumers check how we are going - similar to mystery shoppers
Consumers telling us the best ways to make two way communication happen (public to communicate with health service and health service to communicate with public).
Have consumers share their stories with staff and record them to pass on to other staff.
Talk to consumers before they go home from hospital/nursing home to see how their stay was.
Making sure all staff listen and understand your needs.
Help us look at what went wrong and how we can learn from this.
Ask consumers for their feedback on how to talk to people when care/treatment has not gone as planned.
Have consumers join our meetings so that they can have their say.
Have consumers help us to train staff.
Getting in touch with consumers who have made a complaint so that they can tell us how well we handled their issue.
Working with people from different backgrounds and groups.

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* 7. Helping you find your way around the health service.

Please rate the following ideas according to how important they are to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Having volunteers at our front reception to show people where to go.
A website that is easy for you to find the information you want and in a way you can understand.
Get a group of people together to write a friendly version of the health service's plan for the future (Strategic Plan).
Help us look at waiting areas to make sure they are comfortable, available and private.
Help us look at our signs to see if they point people in the right direction.

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* 8. Planning for the future.

Please rate the following idea according to how important it is to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Sharing ideas with us when we rebuild or change our buildings. For example with the new cancer centre, discharge lounge and renovations to the nursing home.

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* 9. Letting you know what we have done with your feedback.

Please rate the following ideas according to how important they are to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Have a 'You Said. We Did' notice board that lets people know what we have done after a complaint or
Letting you know how to give us feedback.
Each time you are admitted to WHCG we will tell you how to make a suggestion, complaint or give us a
All staff will be trained on the importance of consumers giving us feedback so that we can improve.
Following up on your care once you have left, calling you a day or 2 after you get home to make sure
everything is alright.

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* 10. Supporting consumers who work with us.

Please rate the following ideas according to how important they are to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Giving all consumers who work with us support to get to know us, how the health service works, and how they can help us.
Having important information for consumers who work with us so important things are listed and easy to
refer to.
Having a 'go to' person to support consumers who work with us while they settle in.
Hold information talks of interest for consumers who work with us so they can learn and develop.
Make a video of consumers telling their stories to show others what it means to them to work with us.

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* 11. Giving you the best possible care.

Please rate the following ideas according to how important they are to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Getting our staff to regularly check on you while in hospital to make sure you are comfortable, not in pain, can reach your call bell and if you need help to go to the toilet.
Train our staff so they speak to you in a way you can understand.
Explain what 'Advance Care Planning' is and how it can assist with your health and wellbeing and what you want for the future.
Talk to patients and families about how well we have involved them in their care.

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* 12. Help us make and update written information that is for you.

Please rate the following ideas according to how important they are to you:

  Important Somewhat important Not important Don't know
Help us write a yearly 'Quality of Care' report so that it is written in a way people can easily read and understand.
Consumers to have a look at any new or updated written health information to make sure it is easy to read and understand.
Make sure our staff know how to access interpreters if needed to help communicate with consumers.

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* 13. Did we miss anything? Tell us below...

How we will share these results:

A report will be published on www.whcg.org.au and will be promoted via our facebook page and local media.

Thankyou for your participation