The survey, privacy, questions, your responses; Skip this page if you are already familiar with MBP2

You have been invited to take this survey because you or your organization expressed interest in participating with the Modeling Best Practices Benchmarking Project (MBP2).  Thank you for your interest and participation!

This survey asks for some information about you and your organization, so that we can contact you for follow up.  For example, some organizations will be interviewed, in addition to this survey.

Your personal or identifiable information will not be shared or sold. The project is operated within the guidelines of the APQC Benchmarking Code of Conduct, available at 

If you previously registered your interest, please provide this information again, to ensure our information is current, and, so we can connect your information to your organization if we have follow up questions. 

Your responses will be incorporated with the responses of others, but will not be attributed to you or your organization.

In some cases, we may seek to highlight best practitioners by name, but this will only be done by permission; your name, and the name of your organization will not be used without permission.

The survey consists of an introduction, followed by questions on each benchmarking topic. 

You may find some of the topics don’t apply to your organization.  Feel free to skip these questions, or any other questions which you don’t understand, or don’t want to answer.

The amount of time required to take this survey varies widely.  Most respondents find it will take at least 15 minutes.  Some may take longer. 

You need not complete the survey in one session.  However, the survey will not be open indefinitely, so we suggest completing the survey within 24 hours of starting.