2019 Questionnaire

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* 1. Please fill in the following:

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* 2. Please clarify your initial expectations and/or understanding of the MedTech Impact Session?

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* 3. On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in medical technology?

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* 4. What is the biggest gap regarding medical technology that you currently face in your practice?

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* 5. Are there specific topics you would like discussed at a conference focusing on medical technology? What additional topics might be valuable or constructive to you?

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* 6. What types of technology products or services are you interested in integrating into your practice (i.e. EMR, wearables, etc.)?

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* 7. What type of educational session would be most beneficial for you at a medical technology focused conference? Demos? Didactic lectures? Corporate Sponsors? (please specify)

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* 8. With which types of exhibitors would you find networking beneficial?

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* 9. If you attended the MedTech Impact session in December in Las Vegas, how would you assess the quality of the speakers and presentations, in addition to the material presented?