We are seeking papers for our 11th annual Municipal Finance Conference, to be held July 18-19, 2022 (exact agenda TBD). The conference is sponsored by the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution, the Rosenberg Institute of Global Finance at Brandeis International Business School, Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, and the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago. 

The Municipal Finance Conference brings together academics, practitioners, and state and local government officials to discuss recent research on municipal finance and economic and fiscal issues affecting state and local governments more broadly. In recent years, paper topics have included benefits of and limits to disclosure regulation in the muni market, the impact of the Fed’s COVID-related lending facilities, the impact of local newspaper closures on municipal borrowing costs, changes in the municipal advisor market in the post Dodd-Frank era, the sustainability of state and local government pensions, marijuana liberalization’s effects on public finance, and whether municipal bond ETFs improve market quality.   
  • We are seeking proposals on a broad variety of topics related to state and local fiscal policy and public finance. We are particularly interested in research on the impact of COVID on state and local finances and lessons learned, innovations in funding infrastructure (particularly relevant in the wake of the bipartisan infrastructure bill), the threats posed by and the responses to climate change, and the evolution of the municipal bond market, but we welcome proposals on any relevant subject. 
  • Papers do not have to be original to this conference. We welcome papers that have been presented elsewhere. 
  • Deadline for proposals is March 4, 2022. Selection decisions will be made by March 28, 2022, and drafts of selected papers will be due by May 27, 2022. 
  • Additionally, we are weighing whether to proceed with a virtual or in-person conference (assuming public health conditions permit a safe in-person gathering in Washington, D.C.) When you submit your proposal, we will also ask your preferences on that. 
Materials from last year’s conference (including draft papers, session videos, and more) are posted here: https://www.brookings.edu/events/10th-annual-municipal-finance-conference/

Click "Next" below to complete the submission form. If you run into any problems using the form, contact Haowen Chen (hnchen@brookings.edu).