Impacts of the MA Vape Ban on Medical Patients, Vape Consumers, and Businesses 

This is an anonymous survey of the impacts from a public health and business perspective of the recent ban on vapes in MA. This information (aggregated) will be shared at a press conference about the ban on Vapes at the Massachusetts state house steps on November 12 at noon. 

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* 1. Are you ok with C3RN using the ANONYMOUS information you provide in this brief survey  - in aggregate - to present at a press conference on November 12 about the ban at the Massachusetts State House?

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* 2. Please select all of the following impacts the vape ban has had on you, personally

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* 3. What city or town do you live in Massachusetts

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* 4. What age bracket do you fit in?

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* 5. Please rate the impact this ban has had on your quality of life

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* 6. Which of these best describe you?

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* 7. In your own words, what is your opinion regarding the MA Vape Ban in Massachusetts? 

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* 8. Do you agree with the vape ban?