The Michigan Association of Non-public Schools (MANS) Faith-Based Office Professional Award is one of five awards that recognize excellence in education in MANS member schools. Award winners demonstrate their commitment to faith-based education in their roles as administrative assistants. Educators may be nominated by school administrators using the electronic submission below. The deadline for 2018 nominations is June 22, 2018 at 4pm. (EXTENDED)

Nominations are peer reviewed and awardees are recognized at the 2018 Pathways Toward Excellence Retreat in Bath, Michigan on August 2, 2018. Award winners are provided complimentary conference registration in recognition of their achievement.

Other awards include the Fr. Zwers Award Pastor Award, Ivan E. Zylstra Award that recognizes champions of faith-based schools and the new Faith-Based Educator Award and the School Administrator’s Award.

Faith-Based Office Professional Award Criteria:
This award recognizes school office professionals who:
·         Are faith-filled ambassadors for their schools;
·         Create efficiencies that streamline daily tasks;
·         Understand their broader ministry;
·         Have a willingness to take on new challenges and tasks; and
·         Develop respectful relationships with parents, students and staff.

Nomination Process:
Nomination packages may be submitted by a school administrator or pastor who can verify that the nominee meets the expectations outlined in the criteria section. The nominator must also include a narrative describing the nominee's achievements.

Review Process:
Each eligible nomination will be reviewed by a diverse team of educators who will make recommendations to the MANS executive Committee in July. Award winners will notified by July 15, 2018.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee's full name

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* 2. Nominee's School

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* 3. Nominee's school address

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* 4. Nominee's City/State/Zip

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* 5. Nominee's phone

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* 6. Nominee's email address

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* 7. To be considered for this award, the nominator must certify that the nominee meets the following expectations.:

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* 8. Please describe, in detail why this nominee should be considered for the Faith-Based Office Professional Award. Use examples that demonstrate how they meet the expectations listed above.

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* 9. Nominator's name

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* 10. Nominator's title

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* 11. Nominator's School

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* 12. Nominator's phone

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* 13. Nominator's email address

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* 14. Thank you for your nomination and for recognizing a faith-based educator. Applications will be reviewed in July. Selected educators will be notified of of their award, and invited to the August Pathways Toward Excellence Retreat.

Please call MANS at 517.372-9315 with questions.