The purpose of this survey is to hear from Maine people as the Maine Climate Council prepares to update the state climate action plan, Maine Won’t Wait. By law, the Council must update the plan by December 1, 2024. 

Maine Won’t Wait is Maine's four-year climate plan packed with actionable strategies and goals to emit less carbon, produce energy from renewable sources and protect our natural resources, communities and people from the effects of climate change. To learn more about Maine Won’t Wait, click here.

This survey is not scientific. Responses will be used to help inform the approach of the Council and its working groups as the planning process unfolds.

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* 1. How did you first hear about Maine's climate plan, Maine Won't Wait?

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* 2. Which climate strategies from Maine Won’t Wait are most important or relevant to you? Please feel free to pick more than one.

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* 3. Have you taken, or are you considering taking, any of the following actions that align with Maine Won’t Wait?

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* 4. If you haven't yet taken an action, is there a particular reason why? Please tell us about it in the box below.

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* 5. Are you more or less concerned about the impacts of climate change on Maine compared to three years ago, when Maine Won't Wait was released?

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* 6. What impacts of climate change concern you the most? Please rank the following.

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* 7. In your view, what should the Maine Climate Council and its working groups prioritize during its upcoming planning process?

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* 8. How would you like to stay up to date on the Maine Climate Council planning process?

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* 9. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?