The Maine Affordable Housing Coalition is gathering input from members and other stakeholders on statewide policy positions that will have the most impact increasing the availability of affordable homes in Maine. MAHC's board will use this information to set its annual advocacy and policy priorities that support its mission. Please take this 2-question survey. Your input matters.

Question Title

* 1. Focusing on state policy, what do you think MAHC should be focused on?

Question Title

* 2. For MAHC’s state advocacy, what do you see as priorities? Please choose the top 4 most important 2022-2023 MAHC advocacy priorities:

Question Title

* 3. OPTIONAL: Please share any other feedback for MAHC on advocacy or any other issue about communications, operations, events, membership, etc.? If you would like a follow up conversation regarding this feedback, please include your name, email and/or phone number.