The City of Roseville is studying the feasibility of developing a paved multi-use trail within Mahany Park open space which will ultimately connect with existing and proposed paved trails nearby. Part of the Mahany Park open space project area is a public park, but most of the area is considered an open space preserve. Currently, when visitors walk or bike through the area, they create dirt paths that can damage the endangered plants and wildlife within the open space preserve. The project will evaluate factors such as creeks, sensitive habitats and wildlife, topography, safety, aesthetics, and land use impacts. The open space has use limitations and trail suggestions will be considered within those constraints. Due to the recent COVID-19 health emergency, this online survey is taking place in lieu of an in-person public workshop. This survey will be open until Friday, June 12.

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Multi-use trails are meant for everyone, whether you walk, bike, jog, or scoot through them! This survey will help to inform the early phase of the project. You can participate in this survey by yourself, but in these times of social isolation, why not have some fun and engage all of your friends and family? We encourage you to have a conversation around the following questions with everyone in your home who uses trails in the City of Roseville – even Fido! Thank you for your participation.

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* 1. Why do you typically travel through Mahany Park open space? (select all that apply)

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* 2. What mode of transportation would you want to use on future trails? Select all that apply.

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3. Existing Access Points

3. Existing Access Points

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* Where do you typically access Mahany Park open space? Using the above map as a reference, select the access point(s) closest to where you typically access the area. Select all that apply.

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4. Suggested Access Points

4. Suggested Access Points

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* If the City were to construct a paved trail at Mahany Park open space, where would you want to locate public access points? Select all that apply.

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* 5. Which amenities would you like to see along a paved multi-use trail in Mahany Park open space? (select all that apply)

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* Other suggestions for future trail amenities:

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* 6. What do you think are the benefits or opportunities in creating a paved multi-use trail in Mahany Park open space? (select all that apply)

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* 7. What are some concerns you may have about creating a paved multi-use trail in Mahany Park open space? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. What is your age? (Optional)

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* 9. I am a… (select all that apply)

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* 10. If you are a visitor, what city are you from?

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* 11. Do you have any other comments or questions about the Mahany Park Open Space Trail Project ?

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* 12. If you would like to receive periodic email updates for the Mahany Park Open Space Trail Project or receive survey results, please provide your email address here or visit to stay informed.