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* 1. Generally speaking how would you rate the timeliness of communications CSSEA sends to members?

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* 2. Generally speaking how would you rate the relevance of the information CSSEA communicates to members?

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* 3. Generally speaking how would you rate member services such as registering for events and managing contact information?

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* 4. Generally speaking how would you rate the HRLR services you receive from CSSEA?

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* 5. How would you rate the responsiveness of HRLR Consultants/Advocates to your queries?

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* 6. How would you rate the quality of services you receive from your CSSEA Consultant/Advocate?

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* 7. Generally speaking how would you rate the data and reports you receive from CSSEA?

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* 8. Generally speaking do you trust CSSEA acts with the best interests of its members in mind?

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* 9. What changes to the collective agreement would your agency most like to see in order to help improve recruitment, retention and administration of the collective agreements?

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* 10. What educational topics would benefit your organization the most? Please select your top 3 priorities.

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* 11. Additional comments:

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