Thank you for expressing interest in our NUCO LEVEL 3 face to face, 1 DAY TRAINING COURSE:
Principles of Safeguarding and Protecting Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults.

Please register here and we will send you more details as they are announced.

Please also follow us on social media - Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @ClearSkyCharity

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. I am happy for my email address to be added to the Clear Sky Mailing List to receive details of this NUCO Safeguarding Training Course.

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* 4. I would like to receive details of other training offered by Clear Sky. I am particularly interested in (please tick all that apply):

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* 5. I would like to receive details of membership to Clear Sky's online training hub The Institute for Play and Attachment.

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* 6. I would like to receive details of Clear Sky's next Power of Play Conference