Abingdon Press 2018 Title Survey

Thank you for helping us develop quality programming.  Your responses are needed by February 13, 2017.

Abingdon Press Bible and Arts programs (perfect for VBS!) are inter-generational programs that utilize African American culture, history, and contemporary life as a lens through which to teach biblical truths and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For 2018, in full recognition that people do not always have the essentials for life, the Bible lessons are based on the stories Jesus told on how God provides for us all the time, 24/7! Participants will hear that abundant life is experienced by having a strong faith foundation, sharing in community, seeking justice, persistent prayer, and having a forgiving heart as initiated by the knowledge and love of Christ.


Bible Lessons

1.      Matthew 7:24-29 (Foundation) Jesus compares building a house on sand and on rock.

2.      Mark 2:23-29 (Community) Jesus teaches that holy things (bread, days) are for the good of


3.      Luke 18:1-8a (Justice) Jesus tells a story about a woman who gets justice from an unjust


4.      Luke 12:21-31; Philippians 4:5-7 (Prayer) Jesus describes how God cares for birds and


5.      Matthew 18:21-35 (Forgiveness) Jesus teaches his disciples about God’s forgiveness.


Question Title

* 1. Choose a number from 1 to 5, with 5 as the most preferred and rate the following titles.

  Most Preferred Preferred Somewhat Preferred Less Preferred Least Preferred
24/7: Jesus Makes a Way Every Day!
24/7: Every Day Jesus Makes a Way!
24/7: Jesus Will Do It!
24/7: Won't Jesus Do It!

Question Title

* 2. Please enter any comments you'd like to make regarding your responses.