
Family Day Care Australia (FDCA) is seeking input from members in relation to the development of a number of key policy requests, relating directly to the family day care sector for the major Australian political parties in the lead up to the next federal election.

FDCA will synthesize the results of your feedback, develop a set of election commitment requests, communicate the requests with the major parties and provide you with the feedback of what the major parties are willing or unwilling to commit to for family day care, which will assist in informing your decision at the next federal election.

The survey questions are based on areas that have been flagged by members as priority areas over the past 18 months alongside issues that FDCA has identified as important for the ongoing viability of the sector nationally.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this important survey - your voice is vital in informing the policies and regulations that affect and govern our sector.

Please click the "Next" button below to start the survey.