Hiawatha Music Co-op Board of Directors - 2023 Virtual Election

Election Form

2023 HMC Board Elections
The 2023 HMC Board of Directors Election is now open. As a valued Member, you are entitled to a vote in our annual Board of Directors election, which is available virtually and by mail. There are five board seats open at this time. Current candidates are listed below. Ballots can be submitted until October 31st, either electronically through the link below, or through the mail (postmarked by October 31st). There is one vote per member. All current and lifetime members may submit one ballot for the candidates of their choice. Duo Memberships should submit TWO separate ballots. Memberships at the $250 and above levels may submit up to two ballots, one for each individual member named. Duplicate or invalid ballots will be reviewed and eliminated.  Results will be announced at the Annual meeting on Saturday, November 5th, at 6:30 pm at Barrel + Beam Brewery in Marquette. Please contact HMC if you are not sure about the status of your membership or have any additional questions at hiawathamc@gmail.com or call (906) 226-8575.
1.Please select up to THREE candidates for regular Board positions:(Required.)
Thank you for participating in the 2023 Hiawatha Music Co-op Board of Director Election. All ballot information is confidential. Only total votes for candidates will be shared at the end of the election period. If you have any questions, please contact the HMC office at hiawathamc@gmail.com. Please click "Submit" to enter your ballot.
2.Please enter the name of the HMC Member completing this ballot:(Required.)