The Cooperative Association for Special Education (C.A.S.E.) provides parent education for school districts 15, 16, 41, 44, 87, 89, and 93. In order to provide quality parent education that targets the needs of our families, please complete the following survey. Information from this survey will be used to plan future events.

Question Title

* 1. Which district(s) are attended by your student(s)?

Question Title

* 2. Rank the top five topics that you would like to learn more about:

Directions: Please choose the top 5 topics that are of interest and rank them in order of preference with 1 as your first choice.

  1 2 3 4 5
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Identifying mental health issues
Promoting positive behavior
Understanding Restorative Practices
Addressing sensory needs
Support academic achievement for the struggling learner
Supporting my child to become an independent and responsible student
The parent role in a development and implementation of the IEP
Services available after high school
How can technology help support my student in school
School accommodations and instructional strategies
Homework struggles