Thank you so much for attending yesterday's Grant Writing 101 seminar! I am always energized when community leaders come together to share ideas! My hope is that attending increased the resources available to you and your organization to meet your mission. Completing this survey will help me better respond to the community's need and hone the seminar to best utilize the class's time. I appreciate your candid response.
I utilized Survey Monkey, and a variety of question types, as a way of introducing you to the tool. The basic plan is free.
Go forth and change the world!

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the seminar in the following areas

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Stongly Agree
The timing of the seminar worked well for my schedule.
The facility was comfortable
Printed resources were useful
Website resources were useful
Information was presented clearly
Questions were answered
Presenter was knowledgeable about subject matter
I feel comfortable reaching out the presenter

Question Title


Question Title

* 3. How would you rate your knowledge before and after the seminar. (This type of question quantifies program participant's increase in knowledge as rated by the participant themselves: a great metric!)

  1 (no knowledge) 2 3 4 5 (expert knowledge)
Before: Who gives grants and why
After: Who gives grants and why
Before: Where to find grants
After: Where to find grants
Before: How to create measurable objectives and goals
After: How to create measureable objectives and goals
Before: How to incorporate data into my narrative and where to find data
After: How to incorporate data into my narrative and where to find data

Question Title

* 4. How well did the seminar meet the stated objectives?

Question Title

* 6. How could the seminar be improved?

Question Title

* 7. What other seminars would you like to see offered?

Question Title

* 8. If you would like your contact information shared with the class so we can all act as each other's resource, provide your information here: