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* 1. Please tell us which C4ST group you think you belong to:

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* 2. Please check the days of the week that would be best for you to attend our late afternoon/early evening meetings:

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* 3. How often per month would you like to meet?

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* 4. How long would you like each formal meeting to be? We can continue to have informal discussions afterwards for those who would like to stay.

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* 5. Please answer this question if you are a Riding Representative or Riding Member.
Do you read the chat notes distributed after each Riding Representative/Riding Member meeting?

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* 6. If you answered "Yes" or "Sometimes" in Question 5, what do you find most valuable in the Chat Notes?

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* 7. Indicate which 5 of these topics you are most interested in learning more about.

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* 8. Indicate which of these areas you are most interested in working on/taking action on.

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* 9. If you had the time, how do you see yourself best contributing to this cause?