Welcome to the CareFactor 12 Week Incubator Application Form

Congratulations on taking your first step towards solving key industry challenges in aged care!
This is the application form for the 12 Week Incubator Program. Please complete the entire application, noting that submissions are competitive and will be assessed on merit.
You are under no obligation to divulge confidential information concerning your project or start-up. However, in order to assess your application, we will need to understand more about your proposal. If you would prefer not to share the name or details of your project or start-up on this form, please enter "to be discussed" and this can be discussed at a later date with application assessors.

APPLICATIONS WILL CLOSE 11:59pm 23 August, 2019.
If you have any questions about CareFactor or would like to speak further about the program, please visit our website or contact us at carefactor@bris.bentleys.com.au.

If your application is successful, you will be required to attend and participate in the full 12 Week Incubator Program. This will include: 
  • 3 Day Masterclass (Sep 2019)
  • 8 Week Mentoring Program (Sep - Nov 2019)
  • Demo Day showcasing your idea to the CareFactor ecosystem and investors (Dec 2019)

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* 2. If your team is an existing start-up, what is your ABN?

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* 3. Team Member Details

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* 4. Nominated Contact Person

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* 5. What is the name of your project or start-up?
This will be used as your project title for any communication.

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* 6. Tell us about your aged care project or start-up
(250 words maximum)

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Your answers to the below questions will be scored against application merit criteria.

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How does your project or start-up disrupt its marketplace, and what is your value proposition and vision for growth?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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How will you directly address an industry-wide problem, challenge or opportunity?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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How quickly can you deliver your project or start-up to 100 customers, or 1 million customers?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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What is your potential as a high-growth startup, or a high-growth revenue stream?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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Who will your customers will be, and what evidence do you have to support this?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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How does your project or start-up, in addition to aged care sector, have the future potential to be scaled to other markets or customers?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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* 14. IMPACT
How will your project or start-up reach a large number of people and do a large amount of social good?
(succinct 2-3 paragraph response only)

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* 15. During the Incubator Program, how useful would the following be:

  Extremely Useful Useful Slightly Useful Not Useful
Learn how to access investment and funding
Help to gain first customers
Understand IP and legal for new ventures
Meet aged care industry experts
Access to potential investors
Access to expert business mentoring

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* 16. Please confirm the following: