
This form is intended for law firms applying for funding to hire a second-year law student for placement under the Rural Education & Access to Lawyers (REAL) Student Program in 2019.

New for 2019:  The program has always encouraged firm or practitioner contributions in the past.  However, this year there is more emphasis on matching funding with priority given to firms that have secured funding. In this application, each practitioner/firm must provide information detailing their steps to secure a funding partner or a commitment to self-match funding received through REAL.   If you are unable to secure additional funding and are not in the position to self-fund, it is your responsibility to provide details to the Advisory Board explaining your position.

This form confirms your INTEREST in the program, and ensures you receive updates on the program throughout the recruitment phase. However, it does NOT guarantee your eligibility or approval for funding, which will be determined by the REAL Advisory Board. Applications close on February 20, 2019.

CBA Members: I understand and acknowledge that the collection, use and limited disclosure of personal information about members of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) is for the purpose of fulfilling the CBA’s mandate of representing the legal profession on a provincial, national and international level, for the administration of the Rural Education and Access to Lawyers Initiative; and for the provision of services, products and information to me by the CBA, its branches or any other organization authorized to do so by the CBA, such as local and county bar associations.  

Non CBA Members: I understand and acknowledge that the collection, use and limited disclosure of personal information about individuals who are not CBA members is collected and used for the purposes of the administration of the Rural Education and Access to Lawyers Initiative; and for the dissemination of information by the CBA or any other organization authorized to do so by the CBA such as local and county bar associations.  I further understand that this will be done in a manner consistent with the CBA Privacy Policy (see www.cba.org) and that the submission of this form constitutes my consent to such collection, use and limited disclosure.  I acknowledge that my consent, once given, constitutes continued consent until such time that it is revoked.  I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time. 

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to collection and use of your information?