Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council - Community Safety Plan (2024) - Youth and Vulnerable Groups Resident Survey

Thank you for your interest in this survey. Please note that the survey is now closed, and we are no longer collecting responses through this platform.
If you would still like to share your views, please contact Katherine Wiggins, Senior Engagement Lead, via email at: katherine@culturev8.com.au or by telephone on: 0459 857 013

NOTE: This survey is for Woorabinda residents only. If you are a stakeholder, please go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZBYH6XZ

Thank you for participating in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council Community Safety Plan Community Engagement process. Your participation will contribute to the improved safety and perception of safety of all constituents in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council area.

The Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council Community Safety Plan (CSP) aims to outline how Council will seek to enhance perceptions of safety, reduce crime and build community resilience, and will inform Council’s future strategic planning. The CSP shall work in conjunction with other Government community safety planning and frameworks.

All personal information gathered via this survey will be de-identified and retained and used exclusively by Council to improve community safety in the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire/ Township.

Please remember to press the "DONE" button at the bottom of the survey once complete to ensure it is submitted.

This survey will take around 10 mins to complete. By fully completing this survey and providing your contact details, you could WIN A PRIZE! Prize winners drawn after survey close 30 November 2024. Max 1 entry per person, per survey (5 total).
1.How old are you?(Required.)
2.How do you identify (gender)?(Required.)
3.How do you identify (ethnicity)?(Required.)
4.Do you live in Woorabinda?(Required.)
5.In which street in Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire/Township do you live?(Required.)
6.IF you would like to go in the draw to WIN A PRIZE for completing this survey, please provide your details so that we can contact you if you win:

7.phone number:
8.email/physical address:
9.How well do you think Woorabinda presently embraces community diversity and support vulnerable groups (youth, disabled, aged)?(Required.)
10.How well do you understand what support can be accessed from current service providers?(Required.)
11.If you answered poorly or average to the above question, please indicate why you think this is the case?
12.In the last 12 months, have you accessed services in Woorabinda for any of the following...? (select as many answers as apply)(Required.)
13.If yes to the above, do you feel that you this support which has helped your situation?(Required.)
14.During the last 12 months, have you or your family been worried about your health or safety and not known where to get help?(Required.)
15.During the last 12 months, have you or someone that you know, accessed a support service for health/and or safety concerns, and felt that you did not get the support which you needed(Required.)
16.Please select which factors have the most impact on your wellbeing in Woorabinda (select as many answers as apply)(Required.)
17.During the last 12 months have you or your family asked a service for support with health/and or safety concerns, and felt that you did not get the help you needed?(Required.)
18.How often do you feel worried about your physical or emotional well-being within your own home?(Required.)
19.How often do you feel worried about your physical or emotional well-being out in the community?(Required.)
20.In the last 2 months did you miss school, work or appointments due to any of the following...?(Required.)
21.If you have children/dependents in your care, what is your family situation? (select as many answers as apply)(Required.)
22.How well do you think that community cares for its older people?(Required.)
23.If you have spent time in prison and returned to community, did you receive any support/assistance when you returned?(Required.)
24.Are you, or do you know anyone, in need of help with any of the following? (select as many answers as apply)(Required.)
25.Have you, or anyone you know, ever been convicted of a crime in relation to the following?(Required.)
26.Which of the following areas are most important for vulnerable people in Woorabinda?(Required.)
27.Do you think government services recognise and respect culture in Woorabinda?(Required.)
28.How do you think residents of Woorabinda can participate in community planning going forward?
29.If given the opportunity, would you attend community 'have your say' days? (Be able to provide feedback to council, and receive information on community direction and planning)(Required.)
30.What is your vision for the young people of Woorabinda?
31.How well do you think that Woorabinda is currently working towards achieving this vision?(Required.)
32.Is there any further feedback or comments that you would like to voice in regards to vulnerable groups in Woorabinda?