2023 Ontario Public Libraries Hybrid Work Micro-survey
Last summer, we asked you about the options for hybrid work at your libraries. Now we want to know – what’s changed?
We invite any public library staff to complete this short (5 question) survey to tell us about the hybrid work options at your library system.
Survey results will be shared with OLA members and publicly via OLA's website this fall.
OLA is committed to protecting your privacy. Survey results will be reported in aggregate. We are using SurveyMonkey to collect this survey. Any personal data collected from you in the survey may be transferred through various countries, including the United States and other locations SurveyMonkey has offices. You can access the SurveyMonkey Privacy Policy here. Your personal contact information will not be connected to your survey responses. If you have any questions please email Lily Kwok, OLA Advocacy & Research Officer, at lkwok@accessola.com