Fair Farms Stakeholder Network As a result of Fair Farms Network: Question Title * 1. I have increased knowledge of others' fields including agriculture, fair trade, farmworkers, and labor standards. Yes No I'm planning to do so Other fields I learned about: Question Title * 2. I am now more familiar with the concept of social auditing and resources available to farmers interested in improving social equity on their farms. Yes No I'm planning to do so Question Title * 3. I have learned about resources to help producers improve fair pricing and fair labor. Yes No I'm planning to do so Question Title * 4. I have collaborated with stakeholder organizations from diverse perspectives to improve social justice for farmworkers. Yes No I'm planning to do so Question Title * 5. What aspects of this event should we continue to provide? Question Title * 6. In what state is your organization or business located? Question Title * 7. What are some ways we could improve this event? Done