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* 1. To what extent did the instructor demonstrate effective teaching strategies?

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* 2. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Provide practical strategies for identification, assessment, and triage of burn injuries.

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* 3. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Discuss pathophysiology of burn injuries and how to use it to our advantage as clinicians in a rural setting.

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* 4. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Define three major priorities of initial burn care in the rural environment. 

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* 5. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Introduce initial fluid resuscitation strategy that is easily applicable and provides cognitive offloading for the clinician and improved care for the patient.

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* 6. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Discuss major burn injuries and define “burn shock.”

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* 7. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Provide framework for pain management in the burn patient population.

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* 8. To what extent did the instructor cover the course objective: Provide a brief insight into the trajectory of burn care after arrival at the burn center

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* 9. At what level would you rate your knowledge of this subject before the conference?

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* 10. At what level would you rate your knowledge of this subject after the conference?

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* 11. What skills or knowledge did you take away from this workshop?

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* 12. What questions do you have that did not get addressed during the session?

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* 13. For accreditation, please provide your information. The provided details will be kept confidential and solely utilized for audit purposes.

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