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* 1. I am completing this survey as an individual serving people experiencing homelessness in a professional or volunteer capacity (Anyone affiliated with agency/organization/volunteer group/mutual aid effort):

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* 2. Which race/ethnicity best describes you (person completing survey)?

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* 3. Please indicate the locations where you/ the program you work or volunteer for provides services:

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* 4. Me or a member of my team currently attends virtual HLC membership meetings or views meeting recordings at least 4 times a year.

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* 5. Please select the training(s) you or members of your organization have completed in the last 12 months.

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* 6. My organization maintains and trains to policies and procedures on the following subjects (select all that apply):

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* 7. Do you or members of your organization interact with State Domestic Violence and State Sexual Assault providers?

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* 8. My organization participates in the following Continuum of Care required program activities:

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* 9. Does your organization provide culturally specific services? This is defined as services created by and delivered to specific cultural communities or identity groups.

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* 10. What tools does your organization use to prevent or eliminate disaparities? (please describe)

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* 11. Does your organization provide population specific services? If yes, please indicate:

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* 12. Please indicate the number of people on your staff/team/volunteer group who have lived experience of homelessness?

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* 13. Please indicate the number of people on your staff/team/volunteer group who have recent lived experience of homelessness defined by HUD as within the last 7 years.