
If you weren't able to join us for the in-person preliminary design outreach, no problem - the online survey is an opportunity to let us know your preferences and ideas regarding the preliminary signage & wayfinding options!
The first part of the survey includes images and descriptions of the 2 design option banners.  Please take a look at these 2 options and record your likes/dislikes for each.  Then use the second part of the survey to choose the option you most prefer.
Your comments and ideas will help us refine these preliminary options into the final draft design.  

Thank you for your ideas & input!

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* 1. Design Option 1: ArtBox

ArtBox Design Overview
The ArtBox design draws from the idea of creating a shadowbox to showcase community character and information. The outside of each of the forms is a deep (2-3’) ‘box’ with a turned edge that acts as a frame to the enclosed information. The perimeter of the box is corten (naturally rusting) steel that will weather naturally to form a dark rust patina. Within the art box, the directional and informational pieces are designed to be clear and simple, with high contrast and easy legibility.

Within the ArtBox, several placeholder custom painted and punched aluminum sheets were designed to showcase the natural forms and elements of the Lyons community. These punched pieces allow light pass through their openings, and appear much more light and open than the surround solid shadowbox forms. The intention is for these custom punched elements to either form the backdrop for additional additive art elements that could be attached or integrated into the patterns, OR for a selected artist or series of artists to create their own artworks within the ArtBox, replacing the custom punch with murals, ceramic tiles, art glass or other artworks selected by the Lyons community.

For the gateway sign and the larger signage bases, stacked sandstone adds a locally significant additional feature that helps tie this signage family into the existing Lyons sandstone signs.

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* 2. What do you like about Design Option 1: ArtBox?

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* 3. What do you dislike/would change about Design Option 1: ArtBox?

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* 4. What do you like about Design Option 2: Community Textures?

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* 5. What do you dislike/would change about Design Option 2: Community Textures?

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* 6. Your Preferred Preliminary Design Option

Please check the box of the design option you like the best.

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* 7. Tell Us About You!  How would you describe your relationship to Lyons?
In order to better understand your relationship to Lyons, we'd like to know a little more about you.  Please check as many of the following boxes that apply to you.

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* 8. Tell Us About You!  Do you live in Lyons?
In order to better understand your relationship to Lyons, we'd like to know if you live in Town or live outside of Town.