Canadian Lyme and Tick Borne Illness Survey

Dear Participant,

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on those impacted or suffering from Lyme and other tick borne illnesses across Canada.

This data will help us capture what is happening in parts of our country, and will assist us as we launch a more comprehensive survey later this year.

We need your help.

This short survey will be a starting point to identify the number of people who believe that they have contracted the disease and their journey through our medical system. The last portion of this survey will be an open-ended question if you would like to share any additional thoughts or concerns.

If there is more than one member of your family with a tick borne illness, please have each affected member complete one survey.  

This survey is confidential. Your information will remain anonymous, your personal details will not be shared. Only the summary of the results will be communicated with specific parties outside the Manitoba Lyme & Tick Borne Illness Group.

We will also be asking if we can send you a more comprehensive survey later this year that will provide information that will assist us with a nation wide strategy.  Numbers count!

If you have any questions, please contact us at

We appreciate your input and will update our progress on our Facebook page and website.

Yours truly,
The Manitoba Lyme & Tick Borne Illness Group

14% of survey complete.