About You

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* 1. Are you male or female?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your gross income? (before taxes)

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* 4. Please check the boxes for all sources of income or assistance your family uses.

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* 5. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

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* 6. Are you White, Black or African-American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander, or some other race?

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* 7. Which community do you live in or near (most often)?

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* 8. Do you own a home?

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* 9. How many bedrooms are in your home?

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* 10. How many people live in your household (adults and children)?

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* 11. What are the ages of people who live in your household (male and female)?

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* 12. Circle the number that most relates to the way you feel: (1 – That’s me!; 2 – Sometimes, but I’m working on it.; 3 – That’s not me at all!)

  That's me! Sometimes, but I am working on it. That's not me at all!
I can’t save because I don’t have enough money to live on now.
I can’t open a checking account (or balance one) because I’m no good at math.
I want to save money so I can help my family, but I don’t know how to deal with the bank.
I am worried about making too much money and losing financial assistance from the Tribe, State, and Federal governments.