This survey is designed to collect feedback on nonprofit partnerships, contracts, and grants with Louisville Metro Government. While we require your organization name and contact info to complete the survey, the survey IS confidential in that neither you nor your organization will be identified unless you indicate otherwise at the end of the survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Thank you for helping the Louisville Nonprofit Coalition better understand these issues and advocate on your behalf. The Louisville Nonprofit Coalition is a local alliance of Kentucky Nonprofit Network (KNN) members. KNN is the statewide association of charitable nonprofits.
Survey deadline: September 8, 2024, 10 pm ET.

Question Title

* 1. Please share the contact information of the person completing this survey. *Note: responses are anonymous.

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* 2. Our organization is a:

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* 3. Does your organization currently or has it previously received funding from Louisville Metro Government?

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* 4. If your organization has received funding, please check all that apply.

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* 5. In which department(s) are/were your grants/contracts housed?

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* 6. Louisville Nonprofit Coalition has been advised of historical challenges associated with Louisville Metro Government's grants/contracts, including the External Agency Fund program and non-competitive departmental funding. Please indicate which of these challenges have impacted your organization. (If an issue has not impacted your organization, choose N/A.)

  Significant issue Somewhat significant issue Annoying but not significant Not an issue N/A
Not aware of existing funding opportunities
Difficult application (platform such as Survey Monkey, Bonfire, documentation burdensome, questions unclear, etc)
Inadequate time to submit application
Funding amounts did not align with required time for application process and reporting
Agreements not finalized before contract is set to begin
Unclear decision making process
Lack of central platform/database to access application, reporting, etc
Duplicative applications/reporting across agencies/departments
Agreements do not allow for our organization to pay living/competitive wages for staff
Agreement rates do not rise with cost increases over time
Agreement rates do not cover adequate administrative (indirect) costs
Agreements do not allow coverage of benefits
Agreements are paid on a reimbursement basis (receiving payment after delivering services, which requires us to “float” government)
Burdensome invoicing documentation requirements
Invoices not paid in a timely manner
Short-term agreements make planning and staffing difficult
Difficult or duplicative city audit/site visit requirements
Requirement for matching funds
Overly complicated or restrictive budgeting
Overly complicated or restrictive invoicing requirements
Burdensome reporting requirements
Other costly/unfunded requirements (i.e. financial audit, insurance, information technology, human resources, training, etc.)
Unclear or lack of communication
Organization's expertise not valued

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* 7. Please share additional details about your challenges and how these challenges impacted the project and organization.

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* 8. If you were able to reimagine Metro Government’s agreements and partnerships with nonprofits - How would priorities be set? How would the application and reporting process work? How would funding be determined? (Dream big! Feel free to use short notes/bullet points to describe.)

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* 9. Please share any positive experiences you've had with Lou Metro Government grant/contract procedures.

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* 10. Please share any effective and impactful examples of local government and nonprofit funding partnerships from either Metro Government or other local municipalities.

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* 11. Any other comments?

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* 12. What is your organization's annual operating budget?

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* 13. If you are a 501c3, is your organization interested in participating in a coalition of KNN members working to improve grant/contracting practices in Louisville?

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* 14. Can we share your organization's story?