Over the course of the year, there will be many opportunities to volunteer for Longfellow events and activities or to create new traditions. No matter what time you have to give, your contributions are needed and appreciated.

More information on individual events and committees will be sent out regularly, giving you the chance to sign up for specific roles and contributions. In the meantime, we'd like to know which of the 2017-18 school year events you would like more information on.

Please provide your name, e-mail and/or phone number below and let us know how you prefer to receive communications about volunteer opportunities and let us know which events you are interested in volunteering to help with. We will follow up with you as planning gets started. Thank you! When the community engages to support the students, staff and one another in making Longfellow a strong and thriving center, we all benefit. 

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* 1. Which events are you interested in volunteering to help with. The descriptions are meant to give you a sense of the types of activities that you could take part in. You may check as many as you'd like with zero commitment now. We will follow up with you as planning for each opportunity gets started. Thank you!

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* 2. Please provide your name, e-mail and/or phone number below and let us know how you prefer to receive communications about volunteer opportunities. 

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* 3. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions at longfellowpa@gmail.com or individually at:
President: Marisa Bueno marisarbueno@gmail.com 
Secretary: Stephanie McDowell stephhgmcdowell@hotmail.com 
Treasurer: Jennifer Lammers jenn@philanthropyhub.com
Volunteer Coordinator: Darylee Zech dhzech@gmail.com 
Communications: Tanya Smith tsmith0627@gmail.com