2024 Livonia Public Library Community Survey General Information Question Title * 1. Do you use the Livonia Public Library or visit any of its facilities? Yes, I visit one or more of the library buildings and I use the Library’s online resources such as e-books, audiobooks, databases, etc. Yes, I visit one or more of the library buildings, but I do not use the Library’s online resources. Yes, I use the Library’s online resources such as e-books, audiobooks, databases, etc., but I do not visit a library building. No, I don’t use the Livonia Public Library. Question Title * 2. How often do you visit a Livonia Public Library branch? Once a week or more Several times a month Once a month Several times a year Question Title * 3. How far do you travel to reach the library you visit most often? Less than one mile More than one mile, but less than three More than three miles, but less than five More than five miles, but less than 10 More than 10 miles Question Title * 4. Why do you NOT visit LPL facilities? (select all that apply) Library hours are inconvenient. The library doesn’t offer anything I want or need. Parking is a challenge. The library’s locations are not convenient. I don’t feel welcome at the library. I have unpaid fines. I don’t want to incur fines. I can find what I need on the internet. I buy the books and other materials I want. I don’t have time. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What age group do you belong to? Under 18 18 - 24 25 - 40 41 - 54 55 - 65 Over 65 Next