How do professionals search? Share your experience of search strategy formulation.

14% of survey complete.
UXLabs is participating in an InnovateUK-funded project investigating the use of complex search strategies in the workplace, with the aim of producing requirements for the design of next generation search tools. By collaborating in this research you can help make the process of creating and managing complex search queries easier and more efficient.

Complex search strategies can include Boolean queries such as this:

("etiology"[Subheading] OR "etiology"[All Fields] OR "causes"[All Fields] OR
"causality"[MeSH Terms] OR "causality"[All Fields]) AND ("somnambulism"[MeSH Terms] OR
"somnambulism"[All Fields] OR ("sleep"[All Fields] AND "walking"[All Fields]) OR
"sleep walking"[All Fields])

Or incremental, line-by-line strategies like this:

1 Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/
2 adhd
3 addh
4 adhs
5 hyperactiv$
6 hyperkin$
7 attention deficit$
8 brain dysfunction
9 or/1-8
10 Child/
11 Adolescent/
12 child$ or boy$ or girl$ or schoolchild$ or adolescen$ or teen$ or “young person$” or “young people$” or youth$
13 or/10-12
14 acupuncture therapy/or acupuncture, ear/or electroacupuncture/
15 accupunct$
16 or/14-15
17 9 and 13 and 16

Find out more about the research

This survey is 7 pages long and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

All completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw for $100 in Amazon vouchers.

Question Title

* 1. Does your work involve the review of scientific/professional literature?