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Linen Blocks on Grove Streetscape Design Survey #2

Thank you for taking time to respond to the second public survey for the Linen Blocks on Grove Street Visioning Process. This survey will ask you about draft vision and values statements for the area as well as your preferences and ideas related to specific design elements and priority investments.

Project Overview
The Linen Blocks on Grove Street are home to an eclectic mix of shops, eateries, industries, and activities. The area has thrived under lower rents, proximity to downtown and nearby neighborhoods, and the endemic entrepreneurial and creative investments of its users. The intent of Capital City Development Corporation’s (CCDC) Placemaking and Reinvestment Strategy effort is to create a collaborative vision for the area that includes specific design recommendations and investment actions aimed at protecting and preserving important features and characteristics while transforming aspects of the area where catalytic change is needed. A successful effort relies on engagement and support from the public through efforts like this survey.

Study Area
The study area is located within two of CCDC’s urban renewal districts, Westside and River-Myrtle/ Old Boise. The Linen Blocks on Grove Street Project will look at eight city blocks along the west end of Grove Street, adjacent to Boise’s downtown core, with focus given to Grove Street itself between 10th and 16th Streets, and the properties immediately adjacent to the street. Redevelopment of the street and frontage properties are key investment areas aimed to catalyze reinvestment and improvements in the area as a whole. The area currently serves as a critical link to downtown destinations, and has the potential to become a larger economic hub - providing critical infrastructure including public gathering spaces, housing, parking, retail, and light industrial spaces. Creating a collaborative, community-supported vision for the area will drive the overall placemaking and reinvestment strategy, helping kick-off a modern-day transformation of the Linen Blocks on Grove Street.

 The survey takes most respondents 12-15 minutes to complete. 
0 of 31 answered