Thanks for letting us know where you are and what you're up to below.  This is valuable insight as we develop new programs, track success and host social and professional gatherings. 

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* 1. Which country are you currently based in?

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* 2. Which city/metro area?

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* 3. Are you currently enrolled in college or university?

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* 4. If so, when is your anticipated graduation date? (i.e. May 2021)

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* 5. If not, when did you graduate? (i.e. December 2018)

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* 6. If you are currently employed, where are you working and what is your position? 

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* 7. Are you currently interviewing with or have you recently interviewed with a Lime Connect partner (BlackRock, Bloomberg, EY, Goldman Sachs, Google, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Microsoft, PwC, Sony and Unilever in the US; and Bell, BMO, CIBC, IBM Canada, Rogers and TD in Canada)? If so, please let us know which companies.  Alternatively, are you interviewing with another company?

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* 8. Have you accepted a full-time, internship, co-op or other offer with a Lime Connect partner this year? If so, with which partner, and what is your position?

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* 9. How do you learn about opportunities with Lime Connect and our partners? Please select all that apply.

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* 10. If you have scheduled a coaching call with a Lime Connect Career Coach, what was your reason for scheduling the call?

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* 11. Was your coaching call helpful?

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* 12. In order to further your professional development, please list any webinar/teleseminar topics you would be interested in attending:

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* 13. Are you interested in social events/connecting with other Lime Network members at your company/in your city either virtually or in person?

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* 14. Are you doing something cool that you'd like to share with us, and potentially other Lime Network members?  We love sharing and are proud of all that our members accomplish.  Tell us here!

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* 15. What is something you would like to see Lime Connect offer/improve to better help Network members succeed?

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* 16. To keep our records up to date, please provide your name and email address here

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* 17. One last important item: Log into your Lime Network profile here, and make sure it’s up to date.