We’d be very grateful if you would fill in this survey by Friday 6th January and share it as widely as possible.
Feast Cornwall and Liskeard Town Council funding helped make Liskeard's festivities on December 9th really special. The funding contributed to workshops with schools and community groups to make lanterns and to the entertainment during the day, the Masquerade Lantern Parade and the entertainment in the Market Canopy after the parade.  We need to provide feedback about what people thought of the event.

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* 1. Have you attended Lights Up before?

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* 2. Was this year’s event better than previous years?

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* 3. This was the first time we’ve used the Cattle Market canopy for an evening event.  Choose all the statements that you agree with:

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* 4. If you took part in the parade or performed at the event, we’d be interested in any comments you have about what you got out of it or how it could be improved.

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* 5. If you  came to watch the event, we’d be interested in any comments you have about what you got out of it or how it could be improved.

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* 6. Thanks very much for filling this in and happy Christmas!