Welcome to Our Survey

Thank you for participating in the Beta Test of the Pathfinder Inclusion Survey.   This is an anonymous survey.  We cannot trace responses back to you and we will not share your individual responses with any other organization.

This survey is designed to assess the level of inclusion within an organization.  It asks questions designed to measure the extent to which the organization that you work for is inclusive to all people and to identify specific behaviors that may be blocking inclusion for some people.  

The survey is based on a model of inclusion that was built by conducting an exhaustive review of the academic literature on diversity and inclusion.   The responses from this Beta Test will be used to validate the model and improve the survey.

The Legacy Inclusion Survey was created by a joint effort of Legacy Business Cultures and the Federal Consulting Alliance LLC.

As you complete the survey, don’t be surprised if some of the questions seem quite similar to others. This is part of the survey validation process and helps us determine the best way to ask about certain themes and topics.

If you would like to learn more about the Pathfinder Inclusion Model, you may leave your email in the final question of the survey.   

We are grateful for you taking the time to take this survey.   

Legacy Business Cultures
Federal Consulting Alliance LLC