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Thank you for responding to this questionnaire from the “Learnings and Breakthrough’s Task Force” of the Diocese of New Jersey.

On behalf of the Diocese, the task force is seeking to gather information about what each of our congregations and ministries has begun doing differently since the time of our COVID quarantine, to celebrate learnings and insights, to note the challenges and losses, and to begin to see emerging clarity about the adaptive work that lies ahead.

How has changing our practice been transforming our understanding of who we are and what we do as communities of disciples?

The questionnaire asks your congregation to respond to questions in five areas of ministry.  The pre-populated answers are not exhaustive, but are meant to help facilitate responses and prompt your thinking. Please provide comments and narrative information as possible to give a fuller picture of your adaptations.

We encourage you to make this a conversational, collaborative process within your congregation or ministry setting.  We hope it will help you take stock of what you have done and to reflect on the ways that the challenges and opportunities of this time are shaping the community you are becoming.

Question Title

* 1. Congregation Name and Location

0 of 24 answered