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Your skin is the largest organ of the body and absorbs everything!

Taking care of your skin and health is a task for inside the body, and out!

According to surgical dermatologist Dr. Naissan Wesley, following a skincare regimen twice a day is for maintenance of our skin health, just like we maintain the health of our teeth and gums with daily brushing.
Both non-negotiable.

All the chemicals in every product you use, the dirt and pollution in the air, the foods you eat...all enter you bloodstream on a daily basis.
They travel to your organs and affect every part of your body, especially long term! Let's see how we can help your system out!

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* 1. Please share your information below which helps with giving you pricing.

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* 2. Who sent you this questionnaire to complete? (Please share your consultant's full name)

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* 3. What is your current age (this helps us determine your skin needs)

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* 4. Please indicate which is accurate for you

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* 5. Have you ever used any Arbonne products before?

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* 6. If you had a MAGIC WAND and could change anything about your skin, what would you like to see different?
What would your IDEAL skin look like?

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* 7. What concerns you most about your skin?
Feel free to elaborate.

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* 8. Do you currently take any kind of vitamins to help your health regarding skin, (example collagen)? If so, Please elaborate which ones?

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* 9. What type of products are you currently using for your skin? (Ex. Cleanser, Toner, Mask, Moisturizer etc)

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* 10. What brands do you currently use for your skin care?

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* 11. Have you ever purchased skincare products from shops like Sephora, The Bay, Holt Renfrew, Saks 5th Avenue? If so, which store and what products?

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* 12. How would you best describe your skin type?

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* 13. Your skin is directly connected to your gut. What you EAT plays a huge role in the HEALTH of your skin, along with environment, hygiene and hormones.

What best describes your daily routine?

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* 14. How much WATER you drink affects your skin as well.
How many glasses of water a day do you drink, aim for your best estimate if you are not measuring daily.

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* 15. Sleep is a big component of our skin and how healthy it is.
Which best describes you?

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* 16. If you have problem areas on your face, please upload a picture in good lighting without any makeup on, and switch off all filters.
Please make this a FACE shot only, from hairline to chin. Can show multiple angles if needed.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 17. Where did you come across this questionnaire?

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* 18. I'd love to have a chat with you about your answers above and help come up with the best skincare plan/solution for you.
When is it a good time to chat?

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