Thank you for attending the workshop in St. Louis, MO. Please take a few minutes to complete this course evaluation. Your feedback will be used to improve this course and future course offerings.

Question Title

* Please consider your satisfaction with the course overall when responding to the statements below:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Objectives of the training were clearly defined.
The topics covered were relevant to me.
This training experience will be useful in my work.
The time allotted for the training was sufficient.
I would recommend this course to a colleague.
Overall, I found this course helpful.

Question Title

* Please consider the instructors as a whole when answering the following:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The instructors were knowledgeable about the topic.
The instructors were well prepared.
The instructors' presentation materials were clear and effective.
I would take another course with these instructors.

Question Title

* If there was a topic or session you could add to the workshop, what would that be?

Question Title

* If you could eliminate a session from the workshop, which would it be?

Question Title

* In what way(s) would you suggest improving this course?

Question Title

* Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Question Title

* Email Address if you would like to be contacted (optional)

Thank you for joining us in St. Louis!