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Please look over the application and gather any information you need, before you begin.
Leadership Shoals is a program of the Shoals Chamber of Commerce that allows participants an opportunity to better understand and appreciate the Shoals community. The program has been in existence for over 30 years. Since its inception, Leadership Shoals has seen over 750 businesses and community leaders go through this program. Leadership Shoals offers numerous opportunities to broaden perspectives and gain an increased understanding of community dynamics and public issues.  Participants will be encouraged to get involved in the community in various ways.

Applicants must represent a current chamber member organization. The general class size is 25-30 individuals and spans nine sessions from August to May, generally from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

The $895 per person cost of the program covers meals, admissions to events, travel and lodging costs (2 per room). One overnight stay, in Montgomery in March, is part of the program.

Leadership Shoals attendees may participate in the Shoals Tinsel Trail and/or a group project to help the Shoals community. Details will be discusses when the class gets organized. Attending one city council meeting, riding with a police officer, and writing a brief summation of each is also required.

Contact the Chamber for more information. - 256-764-4661
The most important factor in the selection process is identifying those individuals most apt to utilize their leadership skills for the long-term benefit of the Shoals community.

Selection will be based on these basic criteria:
  • a sincere commitment, motivation, and interest to serve in the Shoals  community
  • an interest in involvement and commitment to community activities
  • an interest or intention to seek public office, serve on boards or volunteer for key leadership roles
  • the potential or existing opportunity for advancement to top leadership positions within one's own organization, which in turn may play a significant role in the community
  • an occupational commitment to remain in the Shoals; unlikely to be transferred in the immediate future
  • a group of a diverse cross-section of participants representing business, government, community service organizations and individuals
You should attempt to address these criteria in answering the questions below.

NOTE:  Spouses will not be accepted into the same class, but are encouraged to apply in alternate years.
Leadership Shoals 2022 - 23


Please MARK  YOUR  CALENDAR with these dates.

August 3, 2021, Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Orientation - Introduction to Leadership Shoals
September 7 - 8, 2021 *
Tuesday, 1 - 5 p.m. AND Wednesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. AND Social 5 p.m. - until (required) 
    Retreat & Leadership Conference
   * Mandatory attendance. If you miss any part of this session, you will not graduate with the class. 

October 5, 2021, Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    History of the Shoals 

November 2, 2021, Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Education in the Shoals

Nov. / Dec - Tinsel Trail

December 7, 2021, Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
     Quality of Life / Cultural Affairs   
January 4, 2022 *, Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Shoals Poverty Simulation and Community Involvement
* Mandatory attendance. If you miss any part of this session, you will not graduate with the class.  

February 1, 2022, 
Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Local Government 

March 1 & 2, 2022 * / **, 
Tuesday, 7:30 a.m. - Wednesday, 5 p.m.
    State Government, Montgomery
 *   Mandatory attendance. If you miss any part of this session, you will not graduate with the class.  
   ** Due to the legislative agenda being set at the beginning of January, the dates for this session will be
        confirmed during the month of January; until then, these dates are tentative.

April 5, 2022, 
Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Economic Development

May 3, 2022, 
Tuesday evening, dinner; time is TBD

1.  Attendance of one city or county commission meeting with a written summary.

2.  Ride with an on-duty police officer (minimum 4 hours) with a written summary.

Graduates from Leadership Shoals are expected to attend all sessions as listed in the Schedule of Sessions.

Mandatory activities include
  - the September 2-day Retreat
  - the January Poverty Simulation
  - the March 2-day trip to Montgomery
You will also be required on your own
  - to attend one city council meeting
  - to ride with a police officer (4 hours minimum)
  - write a brief summary of each

We realize that unforeseen emergencies arise. For this reason, you will be allowed to miss one full day or two half days (on non-mandatory days) and still be allowed to graduate with your class.  Please notify the Chamber prior to any absence.    

If a participant is not eligible to graduate due to absences, the participant will have one year to make up the missed session(s) and graduate with that year's class. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to find out the date(s) & time(s) for any make-up sessions.

While your application is confidential, the information submitted by successful applicants may be used by Leadership Shoals in printed materials such as press releases.  Please provide sufficient information for Leadership Shoals to make a determination of your eligibility based on your skills, professional experience and community involvement.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Preferred Name

Question Title

* 4. Work E-mail

Question Title

* 5. Alternate E-mail

Question Title

* 6. At which e-mail do you prefer to receive communications regarding this class?

Question Title

* 7. Work Phone

Question Title

* 8. Cell Phone

Question Title

* 9. Home Address

Question Title

* 10. City

Question Title

* 11. Zip

Question Title

* 12. Date of Birth

Question Title

* 13. Gender

Question Title

* 14. Do you have any health or dietary issues of which we should be aware?

Question Title

* 15. What is your "polo" shirt size?

Question Title

* 16. Marital Status:

Question Title

* 17. Spouse's Name, if applicable:

Question Title

* 18. Children's names & ages, if applicable:

Please include for each: Child's Name & Age

Question Title

* 19. In case of emergency, contact:

Question Title

* 20. Number of years you have lived in the Shoals area?

Question Title

* 21. Do you expect to be living in the Shoals in 5 years?

Question Title

* 22. What do you hope to gain from your participation in Leadership Shoals?

Question Title

* 23. Have you graduated from any other leadership program(s)?

Question Title

* 24. Tell us something interesting or unique about yourself that others probably don't know.


Question Title

* 25. Employer

Question Title

* 26. Type of Business:

Question Title

* 27. Title / Position

Question Title

* 28. Date Began with Employer:
(enter as MM/YYYY)

Question Title

* 29. Briefly describe your responsibilities in your employment:

Question Title

* 30. Work Address

Question Title

* 31. City

Question Title

* 32. Zip

Question Title

* 33. Do you have the support of your employer to take the time required for Leadership Shoals?

Generally 1 day per month, August - May, except 2 days each for Retreat in September & Montgomery trip in March.

Refer to the Schedule of Sessions at the beginning of this application and please mark your calendar for all dates.

Question Title

* 34. Direct Supervisor's Name:

Question Title

* 35. List previous employers, beginning with the most recent:

Please include for each: Employer; Your Title; Dates From & To

Question Title

* 36. List organizations that are most important to you, including business / professional, civic / community, political activities and public offices:

Please include for each: Org. Name; Position Held; Dates From & To


Question Title

* 37. List high school, college(s), advanced degree(s), military service &/or specialized training(s):

Please include for each:  School / Training Org. Name; City, ST; Degree / Major / Certification earned;  Dates From & To

Question Title

* 38. List Academic Awards &/or Honors:

Question Title

* 39. How much time do you currently commit to volunteer work each month?

Question Title

* 40. In what kind of volunteer work would you like to become involved?

Question Title

* 41. If you have not previously been involved in the community, what conditions have changed the now enable you to seek involvement?


Question Title

* 42. What do you feel is your responsibility to the Shoals community?

Question Title

* 43. In your judgment, what are the three most pressing challenges / issues / problems facing the Shoals area?

Please be prepared to turn off all cell phones, electronic devices, etc., as part of your commitment to the Leadership Shoals program. These technological conveniences have proven to be a significant distraction to not only the owner, but to the entire class.  During each season day, breaks are scheduled to allow time to use your devices. Remember to be courteous.  If for some reason you MUST make or receive a call or text, please excuse yourself from the session if it is in progress.  Thank you for your cooperation.

If accepted into the program, you or your employer / sponsor will be billed for the tuition of $895.  Tuition covers meals & supplies for all sessions, travel and Montgomery hotel room (double-occupancy). 

Tuition is due upon notification of being accepted or may be paid in increments.  We are unable to refund any portion of tuition if you do not complete the program.

NOTE:  For Chamber investors at the Vitality, Mission and Visionary tier levels, tuition is covered for ONE (1) participant.

NOTE2:  For ALL participants, if you prefer a single-occupancy hotel room in Montgomery, there will be a $75 upcharge to cover the cost.  See Question #44.

Question Title

* 44. Who will pay the tuition for your participation in Leadership Shoals?

Question Title

* 45. I do not want to share a hotel room in Montgomery.  I prefer a single-occupancy room.  


Graduates from Leadership Shoals are expected to attend all sessions as listed in the Schedule of Sessions.

Mandatory activities include
  - the September 2-day Retreat
  - the January Poverty Simulation
  - the March 2-day trip to Montgomery
You will also be required on your own
  - to attend one city council meeting
  - to ride with a police officer (4 hours minimum)
  - write a brief summary of each

We realize that unforeseen emergencies arise. For this reason, you will be allowed to miss one full day or two half days (on non-mandatory days) and still be allowed to graduate with your class.  Please notify the Chamber prior to any absence.    

If a participant is not eligible to graduate due to absences, the participant will have one year to make up the missed session(s) and graduate with that year's class. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to find out the date(s) & time(s) for any make-up sessions.

Question Title

* 46. I understand the purposes of the Leadership Shoals program and if I am selected I will devote the time and resources necessary to complete the program.

Applicant's e-signature below will serve as your commitment to the time required to participate in Leadership Shoals:

Question Title

* 47. EMPLOYER  COMMITMENT (if applicable)

The applicant above has the approval of this organization and has our full support, which includes the time required to participate in the program and payment of the $895 tuition (if applicable) due upon notification of being accepted.

Employer's e-signature below will serve as your commitment to allow the employee the time required to participate in Leadership Shoals:

Courtesy Reminder

While we realize it is difficult to be away from your regular career duties for extended periods, we expect you to plan ahead and be able to give your full attention to the planned sessions and speakers Leadership Shoals offers.

Please plan to turn off all devices during sessions so you can participate and glean as much as possible from your time, as well as out of common courtesy for the speakers and programs planned.  

There will be breaks at which time you can check in briefly, if needed. 

Thank you for your commitment to give and get as much as possible from your Leadership Shoals experience.

Question Title

* 48.
Is there anything else you would like for us to know about you or your participation in Leadership Shoals?

As a precaution, once you have clicked "Submit" below, please send a quick message to to let us know you have applied, so we can check that your application was properly submitted. 

Occasionally folks submit, or think they've submitted, their application, but it is not sent.  That may be because something is incomplete, maybe they got distracted and just thought they submitted or possibly a cyber gremlin, but we want to be certain everyone gets their application in. 

You should receive a "Thank you for completing the Leadership Shoals Application ... " message once it's submitted properly.
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