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Rocky Mountain Climbs

The Rocky Mountain Partnership is calling for organizations and individuals within the region to work together to remove barriers that community members are facing around being employed in jobs that are critical to meeting immediate community needs and increase access for up-skilling and credentialing opportunities once they are employed.

Learn more about the Partnership's collective work in this space HERE

You are eligible to participate if:
  • Your organization is an official Rocky Mountain Partnership Partner in good standing,
  • Your organization agrees to share key data (as available) regarding employment and unemployment in order for the Partners involved this collective work to evaluate the long-term impact of these efforts
  • Your organization's leadership has provided support for you to take part in this Collaborative Action Network, and
  • You commit to the guidelines of engagement in the Collaborative Action Network.

By signing on, you will: 
  • Receive support from the RMP Backbone Team, including: 
    • Project management of the cross-sector collective work
    • Strategic Facilitation that moves partners from ‘talk’ to ‘action’
    • Access to data and community voice and perspective around a community member's journey to become hired and retain employment 
    • Opportunity to support informing qualitative research questions and target audience
  • Work with partners from across multiple sectors to:
    • Support the work you're already doing to support community members to become hired and retain employment
    • Learn best practices and effective strategies from each other and other regions throughout the country 
  • Be recognized publicly as a participant in this critical collective effort 
Should you take this pledge, the Backbone Team will also be reaching out to schedule an initial conversation to assess your organization's baseline and readiness pertaining to engagement in this work. This agreement is renewable on an annual basis. 

To confirm your interest and take the pledge, fill out the form below.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What organization do you work for?

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* 3. What is your email address?

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* 4. If you are not a C-Suite level representative of your organization, has your leadership supported you to be the liaison and take the lead in taking this pledge and doing this collective work?

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* 5. Is the leadership of your organization actively bought in and engaged with the collective work of Rocky Mountain Partnership and a member of the Partnership Accountability Network?

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* 6. If you answered 'yes' to question five, please list the other members of your organization engaged in the overall work of the Rocky Mountain Partnership.

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* 7. Will your organization commit to take action to work with other organizations to remove barriers that community members are facing around being employed in jobs that are critical to meeting immediate community needs and increase access for up-skilling and credentialing opportunities once they are employed?

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* 8. Will your organization commit to providing key data—as available—regarding the demographic makeup of the community members your organization serves, your organization's capacity, and additional data points identified by the CAN to track progress in real time. 

(This allows the Partners leading this collective work to engage in establishing a baseline and measuring how the region is currently trending as well as the impact on the labor shortage as a result of the collective work)

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* 9. By signing on to the pledge, your organization's logo will appear on RMP's landing page for these efforts, in future email blasts about this work, on social media, and in a press release that will be sent to key media contacts to indicate which organizations are committed to eliminating these disparities. Would you like to opt out of having your organization's logo displayed in communications? 

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* 10. If you did not opt out above, please provide a logo for your organization.

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* 11. If you are not the best point of contact for the Backbone Team to work with, please provide the name, role, and contact information for the appropriate person at your organization.

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* 12. Do you have outstanding questions regarding this collective work and pledge? If so, Director of Collaborative Action Networks Matt Horn will reach out.

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