Welcome to our Lab/Shul Community Survey

Your voice is important to us! As a part of our Strategic Planning process, we are looking for your perspective on Lab/Shul's programming, community, sense of home, and future as we look ahead to the next 3-5 years.

This survey has around 50 questions and will take 20-25 minutes to complete (it might be quicker if you're a fast survey taker 😊). Grab a cup of coffee or tea ☕, and share your perspective with us as it will help shape the future of Lab/Shul. 

Please answer honestly and as thoroughly as possible. All surveys can be anonymous, and many questions are optional.

Special Note: Complete the survey by Monday December 26th, for the chance to win a $25 gift coupon to City Winery NYC. We're randomly selecting 15 winners! Email Sarah Sokolic (sarahed@labshul.org) to let her know you've completed it if you prefer to remain anonymous, or simply fill out your email address at the end of the survey.

💻Need technical assistance? Reach out to allie@sharehold.co and she'll take care of you!